What Soldiers Really Want in Care Packages

The first care package I ever sent to my soldier was full of hygiene products and food. I’m not sure if it was basic instinct that made me fill that first box to the brim with bars of soap and sunflower seeds; or if it was the FRG brainwashing me and reassuring me that is what they wanted and needed.

Then two weeks passed, and I was stumped as to what to send in the second box. I knew he didn’t need more shampoo or toothpaste. I thought, well I guess I could send more food. So that’s what I did. The problem with sending a big box full of homemade cookies, is it took a week and a half to reach my soldier. By then, the treats were stale and dried out.

So, what should you send to a deployed soldier?

Well, I’m going to tell you right off the bat, don’t waste your money on the basic food and hygiene products, unless they request it. Most deployed soldiers now have access to stores and can buy those items as they need. I had sent so much shampoo, soap and toothpaste to my soldier in a six month period, that when he brought it home, we had enough to last us for the next year. Don’t make my mistake, send them what they really want.

Fitness and Sports Magazines

Without much to do in their spare time on deployments, soldiers often spend their time in the gym. Fitness magazines will give them the education and motivation they need to bulk up while they are away from home.

As far as sports magazines go, the information they get will be out dated by the time they get it, but it’s still a good idea to send it if they aren’t able to keep up with their favorite teams via television or Internet. I would always send the sports sections of the newspaper to my husband during his deployments so he could keep up with our local teams.


Without the access to a radio, television, or Internet on a daily basis they can loose touch with the music world. I would make mix tapes for my husband with the top songs on the radio and MTV. He could load the songs onto his computer then to his iPod and also share with his friends.

Movies and Television Series

Deployed soldiers are missing out on new theatrical releases and the latest hit television show. If I saw a really good movie with friends or family I would buy it for my husband once it came out on DVD and mail it to him. Now, some soldiers may have boot leg copies of movies. However, these movies are usually such poor quality that a brand new DVD straight off the store shelf would still be appreciated.

Video Games

To kill boredom, many soldiers take part in video games. Soldiers are able to buy televisions on their deployments in most cases. Check with your soldier before spending a chunk of cash on games or game accessories.

Cards and Poker Chips

Many soldiers partake in card games in their spare time; and everyone knows, you can never have too many cards.

Socks, Underwear, and Undershirts

The hot weather during most deployments can put a toll on socks, underwear, and undershirts. Save your soldier from trying to remove sweat stains and extra loads of laundry; and send him/her these much needed undergarments.

Ask, Ask, Ask

Always ask your soldier what they need or want when you are putting together a care package. I’ve gotten some off the wall and surprising requests from my soldier, including but not limited to: Ngo Shim Hot and Spicy Noodle Bowls, the state flag of Kansas, and the song Snowfort by Room Full of Walters. You just never know what they might need, or want, and my guess is that you might get some crazy responses too.

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