What Specific Period Symptoms May Mean for Fertility

Discussing a woman’s period is still consider taboo by many. Whether because it just isn’t a topic surfacing in many conversations or distributing health information may be a sensitive action, some myths about periods and fertility have gained some prevalence. While some misconceptions are simply just wrong, others may pose health risks.

Myths About Fertility
It may make intuitive sense that a heavy period should indicate higher fertility in women. It’s common knowledge that periods are caused by the uterine lining, the wall into which eggs will implant in the case of pregnancy, breaking down. Therefore, many may guess the more intense cramping and flow women experience, the better or more pronounced her pregnancy equipment. While studies have linked period regularity with fertility, some indicating that a regular period will increase the likelihood of successful pregnancy by 50% and higher for women not using birth control, there is an absence of studies featuring heavy periods and fertility. Rather, regular periods is a positive sign, but heavy flow is never an indicator of fertility.

Heavy Periods
However, there have been a number of studies indicating heavy periods may not be a sign of fertility, but rather a sign of serious illness. Periods of this nature are characterized by intense periods and heavy blood flow, or period blood exceeding 80 milliliters during one period. Though most women do not keep track of their period in milliliters, heavy bleeding may be characterized by bleeding through tampons marketed as “strong” or “heavy”, or the need to change tampons too frequently. While a heavy flow cannot ensure fertility or wellness, looking for signs of disease can alert a woman that they are in danger of losing fertility or may have difficulty becoming pregnant. Heavy periods and intense cramping are sometimes symptoms of diseases causing such results, such as endometriosis.

Affecting upwards of 10% of the female population, endometriosis is a condition whereby the cells meant to only line the uterus begin growing in other areas of the body. This can cause extreme pain during a woman’s period, a sensation which may be confused with typical cramping. Furthermore, women with this condition typically begin their period at a younger age and have regular, heavy periods lasting longer than a week. These symptoms may be confused for signs of high fertility, but endometriosis can cause infertility and may require surgery to ramify. Therefore, rather than paying attention to how heavy a period flow may be, it’s important to remain aware of pain when having intercourse, inflammation, spotting between periods, and rectal bleeding.

Irregular Periods
Irregular periods will always pose a threat to fertility, though not always to a serious degree. However, it is true irregular periods are sometimes the symptom of disease. For example, polycystic ovary syndrome can cause intense cramping which may be confused for period cramps. However, those with the condition will experience irregular or skipped periods almost always, in addition to sometimes experiencing weight gain, skin complications, elevated levels o cholesterol and blood pressure. Thus polycystic ovary syndrome helps illustrate the important of regularity in women who may want to become pregnant.

“Menstrual cycle variability and the likelihood of achieving pregnancy.” National Center for Biotechnology Information . U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21268451.

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