What to Expect at Your Baby’s Six Month Check Up

What to Expect at Your Baby’s 6 Month Old Check Up

For first time mothers, these check ups can be confusing and maybe even a little hectic. But, by now you should know the drill of when to get baby dressed and when to feed, when you can ask questions and when the appointment is over (after the shots)

So we’ll skip all those things you most likely already know and get to the nitty gritty of what you should be looking for before this check up. At this age you’re child may be getting colds and some diarrhea. You should ask your doctor how to treat these even if your child hasn’t had those conditions yet.

At this appointment there will be the typical questions that you’ve heard at one or more previous check ups: How is baby sleeping? How is baby moving, hearing and watching things? How is baby eating? But, when it comes to eating at this stage you might hear the doctor say it’s time for baby food if you’re not doing it already. Typically, you can start feeding your baby rice when they can sit while supported. Gerber has a great pamphlet on when it’s okay to move on to the next stages of food. Their system is by far the best in order to figure out what you should and should not feed your child. One recommendation of doctors is to feed your child one new food a week. That way you can watch for rashes or allergy symptoms. If you try to feed your child more than one type of food per week and they get allergy symptoms, it may be hard to know which food caused the reaction.

By this point in your child’s development, they should be able to roll over at least one way and possibly sit up without support. A good way to help your child reach milestones is to support them until they’re able to do it on their own.

Another event that may not have happened yet is teething. By now, though, you may have already experienced the pangs your child goes through as a new tooth comes in. It is usually recommended to buy some baby Orajel or similar brand and rub it on the swollen part of baby’s gum. Make sure you talk to your doctor about using it first. Once that little tooth peeks through, you know it’s time for baby toothpaste and toothbrush. Make sure you are brushing at least once, if not twice, a day.

Now we come to the climax of the six month old check up. Or at least in my mind, when there are no other issues going on with my child, this is the most important part of the visit. How to get your child to sleep through the night. Of course, every baby is different and yours is no exception. There are several methods to getting your child to sleep through the night, but it all depends on their temperament and eating habits.

First, I highly recommend not allowing your child to sleep in the same room with you. It can make it hard for them to become independent sleepers. Before you know it, they could 10 years old and still want to sleep with you. So, if you can, try to give them their own room or at least their own space. Secondly, don’t pick your child up every time he/she cries. They will just keep waking up and crying and expecting you to repeat the same habit. You’re a tired woman with a house to keep clean and meals to cook. Your child will have to let go of the idea that they are the center of the universe. The final recommendation I have for you is to not tip toe around during the day time nap(s), but to do things at a normal volume. Keep it light in the room and let them cry for about 20 minutes before going in to sooth them. At night time be very quiet and keep the room dark with maybe just a night light on.

If for some reason this check up is your first one, please refer to the other articles: What to expect at the 2 and 4 month check ups.

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