What You Should Know in Case You Need an Emergency C-Section

You have heard the dreaded words and now you are scared. Your doctor has told you that you are going to need a C-Section. If it is a crash emergency c-section performed during labor because of complications this can be very scary. I have had one of these because my labor came on to quick at home and days before my scheduled c-section. This was scary because it was my first emergency one. The fear for your baby I cannot help you get over but I can help you to elevate some of your fears if this is this to happen to you.

First off time is very important during in an emergency. So the doctors and staff are going to be rushing about doing multiple things to you at once. This is very frightening but rest assured they all know what they are doing. For an emergency c-section most the same things are going to happen that would happen with a planned c-section only quicker and most the time all at once. An IV will be put in and so will a catheter. If your hospital practices shaving you will also be shaved while other staff members are taking care of the rest of your prep work. If the emergency is a real critical one most the time you will be put to sleep and rushed off to surgery.

I was lucky in the fact that they were able to get my labor to stop long enough that there was some time bought. With this bought time I was able to get a spinal block and be awake for the birth of my son. My husband at the time was also allowed in the room to witness the birth of our son. Not everyone will get that lucky with an emergency c-section.

The surgery itself should not take very long. During the surgery if you are awake you are going to feel paralyzed from the chest down. This causes you to feel like you are not breathing when in fact you really are still breathing. Don’t worry this is normal. The Anesthesiologist will watch your vitals and be asking plenty of times if you are ok. If you feel something that just does not feel right tell him or her and they will check you. Most the time the things that you feel are normal but just very scary if you don’t know to expect those sensations. Some hospitals once the baby is out and if Dad is in the room will allow Dad to still get to cut the cord. Some hospitals will not. My husband at the time of my emergency c-section with our second son not only got to cut the cord he also got to carry our new son to the nursery while the doctors finished with me.

After the surgery is over you will be put in the recovery room for at least an hour or so. During this time nurses and other staff member will be checking on you. If you were awake for your emergency c-section this can pose along wait because you will not be able to see or hold your baby during this time. But if you were awake you will at least get to see your baby for a short time in the operating room. If you were asleep then you will not be permitted to see your baby till you are moved from the recovery room to your regular room that you will be in for the remainder of your hospital stay.

When you are not prepared for what is going to happen to you, things can be more frightening than they really should be. With an emergency c-section there is no way to prepare for one before hand. So hopefully if you are pregnant, this can help you stay focused by knowing what to expect if you ever have to have an emergency c-section.

Also don’t feel like you are a failure because you had to have c-section or that your bond with your baby will not be as strong as it would have if you had done a vaginal delivery. It does not matter how you have your baby what does matter is that both of you come out of the delivery safe and sound. Take it from a mom who has had three c-sections, one of which was an emergency c-section. The bond and the love were instant the moment I laid eyes on my children. That bond could not have been any stronger if I had done it vaginal.

The unknown elevates fears. So prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That way you are knowledgeable in what to expect in the event something goes wrong. Read up on c-sections and discuss this with your doctor. A lot of women submit their birthing plan for a vaginal delivery. Well you can still submit a birthing plan that includes your wishes in the event of an emergency. So tell your doctor that you just want to be prepared if an emergency should arise and ask him what options are available to you during an emergency at the hospital you are delivery at. Different hospitals have different policies regarding what can and what cannot take place during a c-section and different things are in place for emergency ones.

Once an emergency comes up is not the time to start telling your doctor and the nurses what you would prefer to happen. So submit the birthing plan that includes your emergency plan the same way you would submit a normal birthing plan. This way if an emergency does arise you can rest assure that during the hectic moments that your wishes will be given consideration.

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