When and How to Take a Newborn’s Temperature

In most cases, it is not necessary to take your birth temperature on a timely basis. But you must learn that skill, because in fetuses the most serious diseases come on very quickly, and the symptoms are often subtle. Temperament Your baby you need to touch if he is well is not feeding, feels hot, seems sick or is. affected panic. You should always have a digital rectal thermometer on hand well before a fever scare. Digital thermometer do not contain dangerous mercury, and rectal thermometers have shorter, rounder bulbs to avoid damaging the rectum.

Because illnesses in fetuses can be so serious, it is necessary to take the most accurate temperature reading possible, which means taking the temperature of the baby directly, which is the best way to get the true core body temperature for the newborn. If you think you need to get your temperature checked, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you;

1. To begin with, make sure your newborn is not dressed too warmly, or wrapped in too many blankets. If it was, remove the excess layers and wait 20 minutes before taking the rectal temperature. Also, the macro do not take the baby after the bath. Wait again 15 or 20 minutes.

2. The bulb of a digital rectal thermometer with a large amount of petroleum jelly.

3. Take off the baby’s diaper and put it over the baby’s face with your pocket, or put the baby in its own. or to recline and lift such a child, or to recline, and to make the anus visible. Whatever position you prefer, make sure you can keep your kingdom to a minimum while holding the baby. macro

3. Insert the digital tips of the rectal thermometer into the baby’s anus. You only need to insert about half an inch, just so the bulb is covered. Hold the thermometer carefully in place and hold for two minutes, or until the thermometer beeps. Remove the thermometer and look at the digital reading. (Always wash the thermometer with each use).

4. If the thermometer reads 100.4 or above, call your pediatrician immediately. Some doctors like you to take two separate readings of 100.4 or above, but if it concerns you, you should never hesitate to call your birth doctor.

Never worry about your annoying pediatrician. He is there to take care of your things and your baby. Fevers in fetuses are rare, so if your newborn develops a fever, call your doctor to make sure no potentially serious illnesses are missed. It’s always best to be safe, and this is something that both you and your fertility doctor fully agree on.


Sonja Brownlee, MD., “The Newborn Patient,” ElkoKidsDoc.com.

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