Why Garnet Jewelry is so Popular

Deep red garnet, mysterious and fiery, is January’s most popular birthstone. But did you know that garnets are found in a number of mesmerizing colors besides red? Garnets also come in shades of orange, brown, yellow, purple, pink and green. Each of these color groups has a special name. Green garnets are of the tsavorite or demantoid varieties. The most prized orange, brown and yellow garnets are of the spessartite variety. Pink and purple garnets fall under the rhodolite variety. There are even garnets that appear to be one color in daylight and another in artificial light. With such a multitude of choices, January babies and all other gals who are fond of the gem can have a dash of spice and variety when they wear their garnet jewelry.

Garnet has enjoyed a long and symbolic worldwide history. Biblical scholars believe Noah navigated the Ark with a beacon made out of garnet. Surely, the belief that garnets offer illumination, protection and hope arose from that ancient account. For centuries, travelers, warriors and ancient leaders all wore garnets for protection. Russian nobility of the 19th century and the Victorians were so enamored by the gem that their jewelry was dripping in garnets. There can be no dispute that garnet has been a beloved gemstone for many ages.


Most garnet is reasonably hard, commanding a 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale (diamonds are a 10). The exception is demantoid garnet which has a lower Mohs hardness range of 6.5 to 7. Demantoid garnets can also be heat treated to enhance their color which makes them more brittle than other gemstones of the same hardness. Other garnet varieties are not normally treated at all. Garnet jewelry can safely be worn on a daily basis with minimal caution to avoid scratches. Overall, garnet is a low maintenance, durable gemstone for precious jewelry lovers with busy lifestyles.

It is best to clean your garnet gemstone jewelry with warm water and mild dish soap. Occasional ultrasonic cleaning is ok but never steam clean garnet jewelry. The intense heat could fracture these gemstones. Also, make sure to keep your garnet jewelry separate from your other pieces as garnet can be scratched or chipped by harder gemstones and precious metals. Below is some more detailed information about the most popular colored garnets other than red:

  • 1. Tsavorite Garnet

Deep green tsavorite garnet is mined in Kenya, Tanzania and Pakistan. It typically has yellow or moss green undertones like chrome tourmaline and chrome diposide. However, tsavorite garnet with the same blue-green undertones as emerald is the most treasured variety.

  • 2. Demantoid Garnet

Highly desirable demantoid garnet is a brilliant spring green color with gold, feathery inclusions originating from the center. Such treasured demantoid garnets were mined in Russia for centuries. Now, most demantoid garnet hails from Madagascar and Namibia. The demantoid garnets from these modern sources don’t have feathery inclusions like the revered Russian variety.

  • 3. Spessartite Garnet

Spessartite garnet comes in mesmerizing, fiery hues of brown, orange and yellow. It is found worldwide, most notably in California, Brazil, Nigeria, Namibia, Myanmar, Madagascar, Tanzania and Sri Lanka.

  • 4. Rhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite garnet pinkish hues range from pale pink to a deep berry pink with burgundy undertones. Purple rhodolite garnet hues range from lilac to a deep grape color with burgundy undertones. Rhodolite garnet is found in Brazil, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, India and Sri Lanka.

Don’t fret if your birthday isn’t in January. With the tantalizing colors available, there is a garnet variety to capture every girl’s heart. Garnet jewelry makes a versatile, durable addition to any collection. Once you explore the colorful world of garnet jewelry, you will understand why it is so popular.


  • 1. 1. Wyrdology: Natural Gemstones; Garnet


  • 2. Jewelsforme.com: History, Legend and Lore of Garnet


  • 3. Gemstone.org: Demantoid Garnet


  • 4. “Essential Colored Stone Reference Guide,” (2006) GIA. Printed in the United States.
  • 5. “Gem & Jewelry Pocket Guide,” (2007), Renee Newman GG. International Jewelry Publications, Los Angeles.
  • 6. Jewelry Television, JTV.com

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