Widow Wears Mohammad Cartoon T-Shirt to Trial of Husband’s Killers

While fear of Muslim anger paralyzing the work of a society in Germany over props including the beheaded head of Mohammad this year, it prompted a school in England to change the name of its music grade school from “The Three Little Pigs” to “The Three Little Pigs”. “, in a UK pub to remove a wild boar over its power entrance – today, a widow who lost her husband in the 2004 Madrid train bombing shows the courage of a lion in the face of the potential wrath of Islam.

A woman around her husband, the most Muslim killers in court, wearing a T-shirt with one of the Jyllands-Posten cartoons of Mohammad, who caused violence around the Muslim world last year.

Reuters reports–

The woman who lost her husband in the 2004 Madrid train bombings showed the infamous cartoon mocking the Prophet Mohammad on her shirt before 29, mostly Muslim, suspects went on trial for the attacks on Monday. Women’s candid T-shirt shows off a cigar bomb Mohammad – one of a series published by a Danish newspaper. Jyllands-Posten, which led to violent protests by some Muslims last year. Ten bombs ripped through four passenger trains on March 11, 2004, killing 191 people in an attack that public prosecutors blame on being inspired by the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda. The woman sat at the front of the court wearing a blouse because about half an hour before she got up, she walked up to the glass cage containing the defendants and finally walked out of the court, judicial sources said. The lead judge in the case, Javier Gomez Bermudez, asked the security staff to identify the woman as she left the court. She later received support from psychologists to help the victims’ families through the trial, Spanish media reported.

From Expatica

The widow of a man killed in the Madrid bombings attended the trial of an Islamic radical wearing a cotton scarf of the Prophet Mohammed over her shirt. The judge in the trial on Monday asked security guards to stop the cameras to check the woman’s shirt. live news At first he thought the woman was a relative of one of the 29 accused and thought she might have put some message on his shirt. The T-shirt was an example of a cartoon showing Mohammed in the top bomb that was first printed by. Danish magazine and which caused disturbances in Muslim countries around the world. The judge ruled that the woman was free to use whatever she wanted and could return to court if she wanted to. The woman, who has not been identified, is a member of the Association of Those Affected by Terrorism.

What would a widow seek, who would kill a man, and 190 popular people and women? I can guess because a picture really is worth a thousand words, and in this case a lot more.

A more serious question may be, what is it trying to tell the rest of the Western world?


Widow attends murder trial wearing Mohammed cartoon, Spanish News, March 26, 2007, http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp?subchannel_id=81&story;_id=38080

Bomb victim Mohammad cartoon at Madrid trial, Reuters, March 26, 2007, http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSL2639586720070326?feedType=RSS

Vidia Madrid bombing victim wears Mohammed cartoon t-shirt to trial, Hot Air , March 26, 2007, http://hotair.com/archives/2007/03/26/widow-of-madrid-bombing-victim-wears-mohammed-cartoon-t-shirt-to-trial/

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