Year-round vs Traditional Schools

One of the biggest concerns among parents lately is year round verses traditional school calendars. Parents around the country have been in an uproar since the year round calendar has been introduced. They have picketed, protested and complained to every school official and politician that will listen. One group of parents went as far as to keep their kids home until after Labor Day in order to force the school to return to a traditional calendar.

Many parents who oppose the year round calendar are afraid of change. They have not looked at the test scores of year round students compared to those of students who attend a traditional calendar school. I have had the opportunity to teach in a school that provides a traditional and year round calendar on the same campus. The traditional students scored second from the bottom in the district on the End of Grade test. The students who attended school on a year round calendar scored second from the top.

Many parents complain that they do not get enough time to vacation during the summer on the year round calendar. I don’t know many people who require more than four weeks to vacation. The year round calendar allows the students to attend school nine weeks at a time and have a three week break (intercession) in between. During the summer they receive a four week break.

The three weak intercession period gives the students as well as teachers time to relax and regroup. Teachers who work for year round schools say that it gives them a break when they are on the verge of a meltdown. Studies have shown that year round schools have a lower staff turnover rate. The year round calendar also places teacher workdays in the school calendar where they are most needed (at the end of the nine weeks).This helps teachers catch up on grading and lesson planning.
If parents would look at the entire picture they would see that the year round calendar is a great option for most students. It will keep students motivated and allow them the opportunity to attend camps during their breaks that they may not be able to attend during the summer.

Parents have to step outside of the box and look at the entire picture. We recognize that our schools need many changes. We have added technology in the classrooms, where I kids have access to all kinds of immoral content We accept online schooling, we where there is not any face to face interaction, but we oppose rescheduling the school calendar so our children can be more productive. Year round schooling is not just about what days your child goes to school. It is about properly placing those days on the school calendar where your child can perform the best that he or she can. It is about realizing when your child needs to work and play. The year round calendar is about looking at what the entire school needs to reach peak performance. Parents need to realize that change will happen and that doing things the same way isn’t always the best way.

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