Zocor 80 Mg Effective Tool to Aid Bad Cholesterol Levels

I began using ZOCOR 80 mg roughly two years ago, about six months before I was diagnosed with renal failure in February 2005.

Mostly because my diabetes was out of control, my cholesterol levels were almost 400 likely even before that time. My general practitioner prescribed ZOCOR because the drug has proven to reduce excessive levels of fat-like substances found in my blood, as well as the possibility of other area of my body like the liver, brain and other tissues and, quite possibly, other areas.

Too, I am a 32-year diabetic, so the risks are even greater for me because of my heart disease and the two heart attacks that I have already had.

Getting control of my cholesterol was paramount, and it did not seem like such an easy task. But I have learned that through a reasonable diet, that is cutting back on fatty foods and exercise, it was possible that I would be successful.

And through study, I found that ZOCOR (5 to 80 mg per day reduced bad cholesterol by as much as 47 percent. At the same time, good cholesterol increased by as much as 8 percent.

I was successful in achieving the former, at least. My last quarterly lab panel indicated that my cholesterol level was less than 150. I know that ZOCOR has aided tremendously in that objective. I recommend ZOCOR to anyone who is struggling with high cholesterol. I attribute my more than acceptable levels to ZOCOR.

And through reading, I learned that the benefits may stretch far beyond treating high cholesterol readings.

I found out about a heart study that is uniquely relevant: The Heart Protection Study (HPS) that was based on 20,000 subjects. It researched ZOCOR. The largest clinical trial of its kind, it found:

“… over 5 years with more than 20,000 patients with heart disease, diabetes, or noncoronary vascular disease. HPS was conducted by Oxford University and funded in part by Merck & Co., Inc., nearly 6,000 people had diabetes, making the Heart Protection Study the largest cholesterol study ever conducted in people with diabetes. ”


ZOCOR, along with a healthy diet, is proven to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with diabetes, including those with normal cholesterol and normal blood sugar. In fact, the Heart Protection Study showed that ZOCOR produced the following results in people with diabetes: 37% reduction in heart attacks and 24% reduction in strokes.”

A product that offers that much more than what it was originally intended is one that I have opted to continue using as long as my physician agrees. Based on the material that I have read on the Internet as well as pharmacological data, one should consider speaking with their primary physician about the possibility of using ZOCOR on some level provided, that is, with the advice of that physician.


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