Belly fat is hard to lose and you will have to do full body workouts and diet. If you stick to a diet, you won’t be able to lose it. Hopefully this workout will help you start losing the belly fat you want to get rid of.
Diet for Fat Belly
To lose belly fat you will have a diet that you follow closely. Protein eggs, cooked meat and fish, blue cheese, chickpeas, beans, lentil carbs. Not more than 30-50 gr. per- bat throughout the day. You can have many vegetables for fiber and some fruits, but you don’t want them all. time from the targets. For more facts on diet for lose belly fat visit “How to lose belly fat.
Stomach Workout
Jumping Jacks is a good start for a workout. You can do this for 10 minutes and continue for 3 changes to start. The next workout is lying down and then standing up quickly. Once you jump to standing start again by jumping jacks.
Then make yourself in an inverted position with your feet as close as possible without touching. Bend the knee up as close to your chest as you can and hold it there for a short time, then release. Repeat with the other leg until you build a steady speed, but not too fast.
You can do the next leg lift exercise on your back. Sleep but using your palms as pillows, slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the ground. Lower legs together and repeat 10 times and for 3 sets.
The next set is a bench press and a shoulder press. You must do this with two light strokes with one hand. Squatting on the floor keeping your body weight even on both feet. You should also keep your shoulders down. Extend your arms together to raise your whole body as far as you can.
The last part of this body workout is the side of the exercise which is a strong middle section, arm, leg muscles. Lie down on your side all the way from your waist to the ground with your arm supporting your upper body. Your other arm should be above you in the air off the ground. Now lift your upper body with your hands on the board and only your hands and feet should touch the floor. You should do this 10 times and repeat with the other hand.
The best way to do this is with exercise and diet. Also, starting these exercises slowly to learn the correct position and to make the muscles work correctly. As the movements improve this, they speed up your metabolism, which will make this work much better. It’s so hard to have that motivation, but you can do it. Just remember you want to look good and be happy with yourself.
Women Workout Routines, “Lose Belly Fat”,