Healthy Snack Ideas that Taste Good, Too

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to lead a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy snacks is key to your goals. Snacks give you energy, keep your metabolism in high-gear and prevent you from overeating at meals. Here are some ideas for healthy snacks that taste good, too:

Carrots and hummus

Vegetables and deliciousness — dip and enjoy. Hummus comes in a variety of flavors, most of which are quite pleasing to the tastebuds. As an alternative to carrots, try cucumbers. Equally good, and good for you. I don’t know if hummus is still considered a healthy snack if you consume a whole container in one day, but I guess I’ll find out.

Pita Chips

If you’re in the mood for a chip but want to stay on the healthy track, pita chips are a good choice. These are bits of seasoned, baked pita bread, and they go well with a sandwich or by themselves. They can usually be found in the natural/organic section of the local supermarket.

Wheat Toast and Peanut Butter

It’s a hearty snack that sort of feels like a treat but isn’t. The whole grains in the wheat toast are a plus, as is the protein in peanut butter. Try washing it down with a cool glass of milk.

Trail Mix

This is great when you need a satisfying snack on the go. I like the organic trail mix with walnuts, almonds, peanuts, raisins, cranberries, and sunflower seeds. A good source of protein.


Another good source of protein, plus calcium and good bacteria. I prefer organic yogurt from Stonyfield Farm, and try to avoid any yogurt with lots of extra sugar added. I consider this a mini-meal.

Cheese Sticks

This is a great snack when you’re on the run, provided you like cheese. A good source of protein and calcium.


Although there is usually some added sugar in the flavored brands, oatmeal is high in fiber and very filling. It is also a great snack when you want something sweet but healthy, and goes perfect with milk.

Balance Bars

I’ve sworn by Balance energy bars for almost a year now. I regularly have them for breakfast and/or snacks when I need a pick-me-up. Originally I was a fan of the “Caramel Nut Blast” bars, but the “new and improved” versions are pretty gross, so I’ve since switched to “Yogurt Honey Peanut.” These are the best tasting energy bars I’ve ever found — there is no forcing yourself to swallow while the gag reflex kicks in. The “Honey Peanut” variety is a good backup. These generally have about 15g of protein per bar, plus vitamins and minerals, and there are no artificial flavors.


The old standby. With at least five servings of fruits and vegetables recommended per day, you should try to eat fruit at every opportunity. It’s loaded with nutrients, it fights/prevents disease, and it tastes great. Some of my favorites are strawberries, nectarines, grapes and apples. You can always dip fruit in cool whip if you need something closer to the dessert end of the spectrum. Or what about a fruit smoothie? For some reason, a blueberry-banana smoothie sounds really good right now.

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