Smartphones are replacing cellphones more and more. However, using data plans from a wireless carrier such as AT&T; or Verizon, to the exclusion of many. Add to that the fact that most smartphones require two-year contracts and in an economy where many, if not most, people aren’t sure if they’ll have a job in two years there’s a lot of people who are either with old flips are delayed, or in debt to upgrade.
Fortunately, there is another way to get an Android smartphone, and it’s worth it. Sorry, you can’t do this on an iPhone; but if you still want a capable smartphone, you have several choices, from high end to medium high. If you do go for a more powerful Android smartphone solution, you’ll pay a premium when you’re not buying a contract device…but when your wireless tickets are lower, that’ll be it. for himself not too long.
Here are the two most popular Android smartphones right now:
LG Optimus V
This is basically the quintessential premium Android smartphone. Its features are very low end, but it is made with a price to match, more solid, shiny and reliable. Performance wise, it is almost on par with my HTC Aria, which is an Android smartphone that I bought last year. And while my phone is sometimes slow or struggling with some games, it’s still capable, and there’s a solid selection of games and apps on the Android Market .
Perhaps the best thing about the LG Optimus V is that it’s available on basically every network, in some redesigned form or another. You want AT&T; GoPhone? LG You want to thrive. You may have noticed that you have prepaid Android smartphones at Kruger; phone in the name of LG Optimi St. Virginis Mobile has the Optimum 5 itself, and they offer unlimited Virgin “Supra Talk” data plans. No smartphone employee.
The Motorola Triumph
This is one of the best, if not the best, prepaid Android smartphones out there. 4.1″ screen, HD camcorder, and front-facing camera for video chat. The processor is fast and capable, and Android 2.2 “Froyo.” And unlike the Android smartphones that Motorola makes for other wireless vehicles, the MotoBLUR lacks an annoying interface, so you can however you want
The Motorola Triumph is only available on Virgin Mobile, at a whopping $299 … more expensive than even the latest iPhone. But with Virgin’s plans starting at $35 per month, you can see how the savings add up. Just remember that the basic plan only gives you 300 talk minutes per month, so if you use your smartphone more than web feeds and apps, you may want a higher plan.