Who Wants Peace on Earth? 19 Top-notch Peace Quotes

Who wants peace on earth? Every parent with young children, and many grade school teachers can relate to the need for a little peace and quiet. If noisy children tend to disturb your serenity, Chuck E Cheese is not the place for lunch. How about when you’re trying to sleep and your neighbor’s music sounds like live playing next door? Everywhere we seem to go, we are bombarded with noise that takes away the feeling of tranquility. These are good times to mention this about peace:

#1 “Let there be peace on earth and let it fall from me.” Seymour Miller & Jill Jackson

If you want peace on earth, learning to deal with the irritations and frustrations that we all face every day is a good place to start. Every minute you are angry is 60 seconds when you could be happy. Take your anger! Look at it this way: here comes a tsunami wave, do you want your last moments on earth to be filled with rage and rage with your little things? The children will be quiet, the neighbors will turn down the music. At last. take a deep breath and hold it. If you want peace on earth, I praise this, think:

#2 “First keep peace within yourself, then you can also make peace with others.” Thomas A. Kempis

The Dutch have a voice;

#3 “It is better to keep peace than to make peace.”

Attitudes are contagious. What happens when someone yells at you? Usually “the word causes-of-back-pain, anger goes up” (Prov. 15:1 , Bible). If we can learn to “answer with meekness turneth away wrath,” silently resonating when our peace is stirred up by words of anguish, we may soon make a spirit worthy of publication. The Buddha pointed out:

#4 “One word makes peace better than a thousand hollow words.”

“Keep your words tender and sweet, for tomorrow you may eat them” is a voice worthy of hearing! But, “Who wants peace on earth?”, you may be asking. Here are two sentences that I will tell you why world peace is a good feeling;

#5 “People must put an end to war, or war must end with mortals” John F. Kennedy

#6 “Either war is obsolete or men are.” R. Buckminster Fullon

I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying my time on earth. I would like to enjoy the planet around my grandchildren. Think of a time when you lost your temper over some minor incident and acted out in anger. Only the leaders of the world, men, lost in talent, could make one of them launch a nuclear attack that could wipe out all civilization. Wars and fighting have been around since the beginning of the recorded age of the earth. The wars brought some definite changes. But hatred and the desire for revenge also form a habit in posterity. Now that we live in an age of technology where, with the click of a mouse, we can instantly communicate with people around the world, isn’t it time to understand that we can resolve crises without killing and war?

#7 Ben Franklin said: “War was never good, nor peace bad.”

#8 Mahatma Gandhi believed “I can live in peace”

Many people have given advice on how we can achieve peace on earth. Here are some top notch:

#9 “Peace cannot be achieved through violence, unless it is obtained through understanding.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

#10 “If they want peace, the nations must avoid the spurs preceding the blows of the artillery.” Napoleon Bonaparte

#11 “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be accomplished by understanding.” Albert Einstein

#12 “If there is peace between neighbors, there will be peace in the house. If there is peace in the house, there will be peace in the heart. Lao Tzu

#13 “We await the time when the Power of Love replaces the Love of Power. Then the world will know the goods of peace.” William Gladstone

#14 “We will not build a peaceful world by following a negative path.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

#15 “You cannot separate peace from freedom, because no one can have peace unless he has freedom.” Malcolm X

#16 “Peace is respect for the rights of others.” (translated from “El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz.”) Benito Juarez

the neighbor sings hoarsely; in parents who let their children run wild in restaurants that don’t usually serve children like Chuck E Cheese; raw driver; those who restrict liberty, and others are not concerned with the rights of the neighbors in the lands. Again, we must, Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”


#17 “The only war to be waged is peace.” Albert Camus


#18 “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi


#19 “We all say to give peace a chance.” John Lennon

Who wants peace on earth? I do.

Authors Note: Theses quotes came from my life-long hobby of quote collecting. Quotations of various things came from books read, magazine articles, Reader’s Digest “Quotable Quotes”, Salad Tag Line, fortune cookie , posters, t-shirts and stickers. Some of my favorite words about peace come from the book “Peace Pilgrims”. If you are interested in peace on earth, I recommend visiting the website dedicated to this wonderful lady.


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