Foods People With Autoimmune Disease Shouldn’t Eat

If you live with an autoimmune disease such as fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or the like, it is important to understand one very serious thing: For you to control your symptoms, you must eat healthy; healthy diet Most, if not all, disease begins in the stomach. Learn about foods people with autoimmune disease should not eat.

What is an Autoimmune Disease?

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system begins to treat healthy cells in the body as foreign invaders. immune system begins to destroy this healthy tissue and autoimmune disease results. Your symptoms and diagnosis depend on which part of your body is attacked.

Foods People With Autoimmune Disease Shouldn’t Eat


Soda is one of the worst things you can consume if you have an autoimmune disease. For some, soda tastes good, but it has no nutritional value. Not only that, but it’s also full of two chemicals that are dangerous to all humans, but especially bad for you: those chemicals are aspartame and high fructose corn syrup.

Aspartame is the artificial sweetener in almost every brand of conventional soda on the market. This sweet poison is known to cause 92 different symptoms of physical and mental disorders, including autoimmune disease! For more, visit

High fructose corn syrup is another potential artificial sweetener — it’s trying to convince you that it’s safe, but it’s not. HFCS works with your insulin levels by quickly converting them to fat in your body. Also, your cravings for sugar and sugar, especially artificial sugar, is the last thing you want to put into your body if you are autoimmune you have a disease

High fructose corn syrup not only promotes weight gain, it increases inflammation in the body and quite possibly already. Plus, excess sugar in your body can increase the levels of yeast, which can only make the symptoms even more unpleasant.


You’ve probably been eating little since you were a kid, so you’re probably not happy. being on a no-no list The truth is, sugar, as you read above, is not good for you, but it is not there. Most candy contains preservatives such as food dye, polysorbate 80 and high fructose corn syrup. Food dyes have been linked to problems, inflammation, and even cancer.

Breakfast Cereals

To remain What is? Breakfast cereal? But for the same reason and time. Most conveniently produced breakfast cereal is little more than candy anyway. Preservatives and additives in breakfast cereals can cause serious health in people’s health. Preservatives such as VUL, BHT, BHA, SOY lecithin and food dyes are completely unnatural and can make your autoimmune disease much worse.

Fast Food

Fast food is not real food. Not really. That food is not real at all. It is a conglomerate preserving food. That is. Most fast food has no nutritional value. Ready to find out what’s really in a McDonald’s Happy Meal?

Frozen Amen

The next time you’re in the frozen section of an grocery store, you grab a random box of frozen food. and the law is done. Sure, the picture looks really nice and healthy on the front, but what really starts eating?

Trans Fats: While butter has been touted as a healthy alternative, research has shown that trans fats are twice as dangerous to your heart as butter! It can lower your blood cholesterol and increase your chances of a heart attack by 53 percent. You have found “partially hydrogenated” and trans fats.

wholegrain: Whole grains are not the same as whole grains, although I often use the words interchangeably. are placed Refined grains have had all their nutrients and fiber removed in the process. These grains have been proven to contribute to constipation, yeast-magic and mental illness.

Salt: Most pre-packaged meals contain far more salt than is ever consumed in a single day or even week. table-salt”>table salt isn’t the only unhealthy salt for you. It’s what you think. It’s a mixture of chemicals and additives from oil. Read this article to learn what kind of salt you should be consuming.


Corn may not be a problem for you or if you have an autoimmune disease. And corn is loaded with omega-6 fats, which promote inflammation in those with arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.


Gluten protein is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. Many people with autoimmune disease are gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in and of itself. If you live with chronic gastrointestinal problems, yeast-magic, brain fog, mental illness, inflammation, sinusitis or pain In addition, removing gluten from your diet can help reduce symptoms.

Click here for the gluten elimination diet.

Cutting out processed food from your diet and switching to healthy foods may make your symptoms worse in the short term. time This is your body ridding itself of toxins.

Now that you know what foods people with autoimmune diseases shouldn’t eat, read Foods for Autoimmune People. The disease eats away.


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