Jenny Craig spokeswoman Valerie Bertinelli admits in her new book, Losing It: And Regaining My Life One Pound at a Time that she cheated on her husband Eddie Van Halen and abused cocaine. She spoke about her pain with Oprah Winfrey on March 25. She admits that she has turned to comfort food for her most serious physical issues since childhood.
By becoming a Jenny Craig spokeswoman, she turned her life around. Cocaine use is implicated in their desire to maintain their weight, and many girls use dangerous drugs to maintain their weight. weight She can’t have slipped into hell the same way so many of us, including you and me, abused drugs to get in shape. So everything is bent.
Valerius Bertinelli not Innocentius the Girl next to the Door
Bertinelli admits that he first tried cocaine with Mackenzie Phillips, a co-star on his hit TV show, Once Upon a Time. Bertinelli was a teenager at the time but was not addicted until he met Eddie Van Halen. Van Halen got married when she was only 20 years old.
Bertinellius admits this in his book, provided by Today;
“The priest at the ceremony gave us a questionnaire to get to know him better and give more personal words. When we completed the forms at home, we each held a small bowl.”
Bertinelli says she used cocaine to control her weight, along with dating her husband Eddie Van Halen. After Bertinelli dropped the drugs, the man couldn’t fight her. In the end, they both cheated on each other, even though Van Halen claims she was the first. Bertinelli confesses to kissing another woman. They separated in 2001 and divorced last year.
Bertinelli is compared to Lindsay Lohan for using drugs, including cocaine. Unlike John, Bertinelli hid his problems by acting in secrecy, just like the rest of us. We don’t have paparazzi constantly scrutinizing our lives, but we deal with the same issues as Bertinelli: we don’t accept our bodies, we make slimming drugs, and we make fools of ourselves because of our suspicions. I’ve been there too, although not with illegal drugs, and I had a friend who was abusing drugs to lose weight. He died 5 years ago.
My Experiences with Drugs, Bertinelli’s Problems
I’ll spare you the details, but I used laxatives and diet pills from the 16th to the 20th, and I had a friend, who was very anorexic, who took drugs, specifically cocaine, to lose weight. He died when I was 16.
Using drugs to deal with weight is a terrible thing. It is similar to using alcohol to cure your depression. I am also very sad with my friend. Using drugs to lose weight had fatal consequences for my friend, although she died from ingesting ipecac.
I was friends with her at the height of her cocaine use. She also promised me the sickle with medicines, promising great fruits for our weight. However, unlike the Bertinelli and Phillips report One at a Time I did not try. I didn’t want to take drugs because I was afraid of being caught. However, I started using laxatives to control my weight.
I remember a lot, how she would sneak cocaine into the school and do it in the bathroom before school ended. She would stay in the library to eat lunch (and gain weight ). It wasn’t, and the school didn’t like it. Like Bertinelli, he was doing it to lose weight, and the crowd didn’t want to be around me. I took 7 to 10 ducolax drugs , and he didn’t even work.
By spring, his weight had plummeted to under 100lbs. At 5’6′, this is lethal. At the time I was 5’7”, I ballooned up to 125 from 178. She was using illegal drugs, and I was using laxatives. Both are constantly out of it. We were weak. I visited the nurse’s office often lie down. She never seemed to move, even though she failed a lot.
In May he told me he didn’t need cocaine. Cocaine wasn’t doing the trick anymore, it wasn’t enough for him. I told him that he was on his deathbed. She told me to try something else, read something in Wasted, a book by Mary Hornbacher. The next thing I know, she is dead. My friends told me that two days later she was found dead after vomiting in the bathroom. He took one dose of ipecac, and his heart was so weak. But he wanted to lose weight.
I later freaked out. I hardly remember much of that summer, except that I spent the day indoors, constantly fasting, constantly swallowing laxatives and diet pills. I remember the scale reading 99lbs. I also remember feeling the stomach, feeling something hard inside. However, he stuck to that weight. I was taken to 30 laxatives during this time. I fought this until I was 20, although I never reached that weight. I went to 55 laxatives, I swallowed with a little mouth wash (the smell of it today makes me puke) numbing my throat. It took me a year before my body normalized.
What You Should Learn From Bertinelli’s Experience
Now my case is a worst case scenario, but it is possible if he has the wrong weight. Bertinelli had bad weight issues, and I did, so did my friend, but Bertinelli is in great health now. Kind of me. My friend is dead. Abusing drugs to maintain or lose weight is a dangerous risk Bertinelli took. His co-star, Mackenzie Phillips, was the beginning of his cocaine addiction. He also said I have no idea what to do with it. The weight is not devoted to the procurement of medicine, as Bertinellius shows. Let Bertinelli be an example for us. It is a good idea to turn away from doing drugs. It is not worth taking drugs to maintain your weight. It never is. Cocaine never is the answer.
Jen Brown/TODAY, “Valerie Bertenelli’s world comes in infidelity, marriage,” MSNBC
Associated Press, “Valerie Bertinelli On Divorce From Eddie Van Halen: ‘I Wasn’t An Angel Or I Was,'” FOX News
Ann Turner, “Jenny Craig Valerie Bertinelli Reveals Drug Use, Business,” Gay Wired