Protein Diet: Lose 3 Ibs Every 7 Days

According to several independently conducted studies, the key to losing weight is simply to eat the right foods. Protein and fat are actually the best foods for losing weight because they keep people satisfied longer and don’t cause the dramatic spikes in blood levels or high insulin levels that carbohydrates do. In fact, until a few centuries ago, the average man’s diet consisted mainly of these two vital items. In controlled experiments, people who are on a diet that is almost completely high in protein (1900 calories a day total), less than 240 calories a day from carbohydrates end up losing one to three pounds a week without feeling noticeably hungry. People following these diets increase their energy levels “rapidly” and their overall levels of success go up.

The only negative side effect is occasional diarrhea from the loss of food retention in the digestive system that results from this diet (which is also weight loss machine). This diet has been known for a long time and up to the year 1940; Carbohydrate reduction is generally accepted as the only way to lose weight. Why didn’t you hear this? diet goes against everything the American Health Association has been promoting to the public for years. The National Health Association has already admitted that a high intake of carbohydrates is a greater risk of obesity and heart disease than a high intake of fat, but because of the previous statement it will take years for this revelation to make its way to the Association’s officially prescribed diet plans.

During the hunter-gatherer age, humans ate a diet that consisted mostly of protein and fat. Carbohydrates were not used as an industry until the advent of the agricultural revolution. During the short time between the machine revolution and now, people didn’t have time to adapt to changing eating patterns. So on the surface it makes sense that one can lose weight by eating a traditional high protein high fat diet. Studies have shown that a diet high in carbohydrates, not high in fat, is linked to a higher incidence. heart disease This is because fatty acids and triglycerides, which slow down the arteries, are composed not only of fat but also of high energy carbohydrate chains. High levels of sugar in the blood are required for the synthesis of these clots. For this reason, people like the Macri, who show a very high fat, very high protein diet, show almost no degree of heart disease and no significant pain.

One example is diet: when two British nutritionists, Bruce Bistrian and George Blackburn, told obese patients to eat nothing but lean-meat , fish and chicken (650 to 800 calories a day) for a year of their health lose at least 40 pounds each. This weight loss is mostly maintained after completing the diet. But when people added 400 calories of fruits and vegetables to this diet, patients lost half as much weight and hunger rates increased it is.
Adhering to a high-protein, high-fat diet, which consists mainly of meat and some vegetables and fruits, is the most effective way to quickly lose without being weakened by hunger pangs. This new concept can be hard for many people to believe, so if you are not fully convinced check out the book Good Calories, Bad Calories for more information and supporting information.

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